Day 21 (11/24): Katherine to Halls Creek; 870 km; Escarpment Walk/Gregory Nat. Park (3km); Kimberly Motel
Day 22 (11/25): Halls Creek to Broome; 680 km; Kimberly Klub Hostel
Back in the late 1990's when I still had my old technical writer's job, while daydreaming at work I'd occasionally check the weather in Broome, West Australia. Just seemed like one of the farthest places on earth from where I was at the time. Well, today I began the long journey from Alice Springs headed toward Broome. Granted it was nearly 3000 km and three days drive away, but that was where my mind was.
Even though 3000 km gets smaller when converted to miles, it is still a longggggg way. Especially when the temperature outside goes up above 40 C (104 F)! In both Katherine and Halls Creek when I arrived early each evening, the temperature was well above 30 C, with humidities pushing 70% or more. Even with an air conditioned car, this heat just sucks the energy from you. Rather than prolong this experience an extra two days/600+ kms more of driving, I decided shortly before reaching Katherine to forgo heading all the way to the "top end" and Darwin. Thus, at the crossroads in Katherine I turned west for the coast and Broome directly.
In light of the heat/humidity, except for a short walk around the Devil's Marbles and a longer walk up the Escarpment Walk in Gregory National Park (see pictures of both below), these last three days were spent mostly in the drivers seat or hiding in air conditioned rooms. I did see one loaded touring cyclist yesterday but did not attempt to stop or talk to him. Can't say I was jealous this time at all as I usually am seeing a tourer!
Arrived here in Broome yesterday afternoon and made my way to the Kimberly Klub YHA hostel. This is a pretty big hostel but also very nice. Much like Hawaii, it is mostly open air, except for air conditioned sleeping rooms. Its is warm and sticky, but I really like the fresh air!
I wrote last night in my journal that I'd like to come back here one day in their dry/cooler season (April--October) with Nola and spend about a week. Not sure it would be biking, but I think I'll put it on the long-term list. I'll only scratch the surface with my one day layover, but there is lots to do here. Of course I am getting ahead of myself, that will have to wait for the next post.
For those of you with a map, FYI, I will be taking the coastal route down towards Perth. Next destination from here is Monkey Mia (two days drive). Not sure if I'll do another layover day there. In the interest of time and because driving in busy cities is still pretty tense for me (left side of the road thing), I will probably bypass downtown Perth and make my way east once I get down that way. But again, I get ahead of myself.
Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving day here. I'm glad to have the Internet/cheap phone cards to help stay connected to you all back home, but it will be nice to come back too. In the meantime, I'll give thanks tomorrow as I have the opportunity to traverse another small slice of this huge country. Perhaps I'll be swimming with the dolphins on your actual holiday.
Cheers all.