Day 2: Adelaide (no riding)
Hi all. Last Friday while visiting Nola in Santa Fe after the long journey from Kentucky previous two days I blurted out on a short hike "I'm tired of travelling." I was--of driving--of course. When she stopped laughing at me we restarted laughing together at my impending journey. I'll tell you, about ten hours into my LA to Sydney flight (and 24 hours after leaving Santa Fe) I was really exhausted only to realize I had 5 more hours on that plane and another plane flight (and it turns out) 15 more hours of travel to go that day. You were right Nola, that comment was patently ridiculous!
It is now Wed evening (FYI, Adelaide is 17.5 hrs ahead of Mountain Daylight time--yes, 17 and one half, don't ask me how that works) and I've been at the Central YHA Hostel in Adelaide for 23 hours. I am still recovering from the journey but after sleeping the night and most of this afternoon (after morning errands) I feel mostly human. Headed out on bike tomorrow assuming I feel ok in morning.
Must admit it was great this afternoon seeing the election results; mainly because I felt proud to be American in a foreign country for once (versus being in Canada in 1998 at height of Clinton/Lewinsky scandal, e.g.). Pretty amazing we elected an African American president. Hope he can live up to the promise he seems to show. Ok, enuf politics but this is more about how I feel anyway and its my Blog too!!!
After packing my panniers today I realized travelling solo reduces my carrying capacity (versus 1992 with Sandy) as I've got one of everything and no one to share them with (e.g., tent, cooking gear, first aid kit, etc.). I have plenty of room for my "stuff" now but will be real tight when I stock up on food for long "no services" sections of this trip. I'll keep you updated.
Sorry, no Australia pictures yet. I'll do better once I feel better for good and am out on the road with my camera at hand as I ride. Its been a long time since I've even owned a camera so bear with me. Here's what I've been worrying about--can you see my bike box in photo below? I could and was happy as it was in cart next to the plane that took me from Sydney to Adelaide.
All for now. It will likely be about 3 days before I post again (from Port Augusta). Take care all until then and thanks for visiting.
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